MORF had a great weekend racing and volunteering at XTERRA Lory and racing mountain bikes at the Winter Park King of the Rockies race.
At XTERRA Lory, Vanessa finished 1st in her AG and was the 7th for amateur women OA. Natalie raced her first XTERRA tri and did an amazing job -- she placed 6th in her AG, had a ton of fun, and finished smiling! Mike and Aaron represented MORF by volunteering before, during, and after the race.
XTERRA Lory also had some post-race slip-slide races.... Natalie raced to try and win an XTERRA wetsuit and had a lot more energy to do this than you'd expect from someone who'd just raced for a few hours in the heat!

Josh also recently raced the Leadville Trail 100 and finishing in just over 27 hours!